Friends of mine had requested an icon of the Archangel Raphael for their work in the healing ministry. So I traveled to a workshop in Michigan, and there was given instruction by Jennifer Perkins with the Prosopon School. This icon marked the turning point in my journey in the mystical world of iconography. I began to see with my mind what the instructors were teaching me about the light of the icon. It was as if the scales had been removed from my eyes and I could see for the first time. And I knew then that it was not me working on the icon, but rather the icon working on me. I had received the Archangel's healing. You can read more about the remarkable healing power of Archangel Raphael in the Old Testament Book of Tobit, where he is sent by the Lord to heal Tobias' father, the blind Tobit, and Sarah, who was possessed of an evil demon.